Emmanuel Gabriel

Works at OpenBinacle Limited


OBTranslate Rolls Out Its Own Affiliate Marketing and Referral Program

OBTranslate Affilate

Get $5 USD*

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OBTranslate www.obtranslate.com rolls out its own affiliate marketing and referral program. To incentivize more people to join the platform. OBTranslate is offering current platform users $5 to share the App with friends and family, and it will give your friends or family members $5 for joining the platform.

The promotion is currently running in all geolocation, it is available to people of African descent around the globe, that can teach our machine neural networks, pidgin English or any of their African native languages.

If you love OBTranslate as much as we do, tell your friends and earn some serious cash. Create an account with the *join now* button below, send your referral link to your friends, family, website visitors, whatsapp and facebook groups or twitter, etc.

Your friends or contacts gets $5 USD* each for joining OBTranslate with your referral link and you get 2% recurring commission from your contacts or friends monthly income.

Migration issues on the rise and job creation

Over the last few decades many African countries have failed to create jobs, despite pursuing structural adjustment policies recommended by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Instead, in many countries there has been a decline in job opportunities and real incomes. Between 1994 and 2004, the number of workers living on less than a dollar a day increased by 28 million in sub-Saharan Africa.

Most people who seek to migrate are pushed by circumstances in their home countries. war, poverty and persecution prompt people to become refugees, asylum seekers and labour migrants. In most emigrant-producing countries, jobs are scarce or salaries are too low, obliging people to seek opportunities elsewhere.

However, it was our destiny to build the first ever in the history of the world, an intelligent machine that has successfully curated nine (9) billion tasks and job opportunities for atleast five (5) million African migrants or Africans living in Africa.

How Our Affiliate Program Works

Your Friends

Get your friends to sign up via your custom referral link..

$5 USD

Your friend gets $5 USD for creating an account or sign up with your referral link.

Recurring Commission

You get 2% commission from your friend monthly income.

For people of African descent

* The best referral program*

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Last Seen On:
2019-04-24 08:34:35

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